Friday, January 17, 2014

include{} and input{} in Latex

This is just a quick note on the differences between the commands include{} and input{} in Latex. Both of them have essentially the same function: read some tex from a separate file to make writing large documents easier in Latex. There are some key differences.

  • with my setup neither command will work unless you leave off the .tex extension.
  • include{} has a \clearpage before and after it.

include{} is best used to include something like a chapter. In other words the file should be almost all of a stand alone document. It shouldn't include a \begin{document} or an \end{document}, headers, footers, or package inclusions. It should be noted that commands which have filepaths in them are referenced from the location of the file being executed, not the included file.

input{} is best utilized for importing the enormous list of \usepackage and custom commands that everyone seems to have at the top of their tex documents.

For example we might have a file system which looks like this:
  • example.tex
  • Images
    • exampleimage.png
  • Chapter1
    • chapter1.tex
  • Preamble
    • preamble.tex

This is my example document...




\section{Chapter One}
This is the first chapter...\\
Here's a picture:\\

Which generates this pdf.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shishikura's Lemma 3

In keeping with Sam's demand for more nerdy code, I've decided to provide a chunk of my thesis for the perusal of randoms from the internet. This link leads to a short paper I've written detailing the proof of a result I need for my result. The result itself is Lemma 3 found in the perturbation section of a paper called 'On the Quasiconformal Surgery of Rational Functions' by Mitsuhiro Shishikura.

The cones in the sketch correspond to the striped regions in this picture. The green circles are level curves in Siegel disk. Exactly which functions can give rise to such a disk is the topic of my research.

Friday, January 10, 2014


EBGBs is legend, it's bold and beautiful, an old classic. The kind of thing found in only a few places in the world, the mark of an era when men were men and rock climbing was dangerous. It's a bolted trad climb, when it was first done it may have been one of the very hardest routes climbed.

It sits on a block above the Echo area in Joshua Tree, daring everyone who sees it to climb it. I've wanted to climb it for ten years, since the first time I read about it in Lynn Hill's book. Now I can definitively say one thing:

EBGBs is a vision quest.

While I was 20 feet above my last bolt at the very top of the slab I had an experience. I had a conversation in my head for the first time on a route, it went something like this:
  • 'My hand is slipping, I'm going to be falling now.'
  • 'That's going to fucking hurt, don't.'

EBGBs is on the front of the big block above Leigh.

This is the opening 'ledge', you mantle onto this sucker. It seems scary, but that's only because you'll take a nasty little swinging fall into a wall. In the end it's not bad.

Note the position of the last bolt, a good 20 feet down the face.

I only got this one picture of me on it, hanging off the anchor glad to be alive.